The site is edited by Hurricane Group,
limited liability company with a capital of 7,622.45 euros,
registered at the RCS Montpellier under the number 414 495 606,
the head office is located: 3 rue Christian André-Benoit 34670 Baillargues France
Phone. : + (33) 4 67 40 15 35.
Publication director: Hervé ANDRE BENOIT
The website is hosted by: OVH
Hurricane Group strives to ensure to the best of its ability, the accuracy and updating of the information disseminated on this site, and owns the right to correct, at any time and without notice, the content. However, it cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or exhaustion of the information available on this site. Consequently, it declines any responsibility for any interruption of the site, technical problems, for any inaccuracy or omission on the information available on the site, for any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion by a third party having led to a modification of the information updated on the site.
Intellectual property: the reproduction of all documents published on the site is only authorized for the exclusive purposes of information for personal and private use, any reproduction and any use of the copies produced for other purposes is expressly prohibited.
All articles, photographs and other documents on this site are the property of Hurricane Group, or are disseminated with the authorization of their owners, and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights.
The trademarks, logos, models present on these sites are own by Hurricane Group. No interpretation can be made in favor of a license of use or any right to use the brand displayed on the website. Fraudulent use of the trademark or any other content of the website is completely prohibited. It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, represent, modify and/or exploit, in any way whatsoever and anything final, all or part of the structure and content of the site Hurricane Group informs you that it will use its intellectual property rights to take legal action if necessary.
Personal data : in accordance with Law n° 78-17 relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and delete personal data that you have communicated to us.
You can exercise this right by sending a mail to:
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Photos copyrights :
©️FISE / The Agency